the tale of my sailors knot ring… as the story goes around the turn of the 19th century an art form arose from the ranks of the deep water sailors. that art form was called “knotting”. it was a simple and clear knot made of two overhand knots linked together much like true lovers are in their hearts. a deep water sailor would tie the knot loosely and send it to his intended back home.
inspired by the salty tales of sailors past and drawn to a nautical vibe for this spring season, i just couldn’t help but add this little beauty to my collection. hand fabricated in fine silver from a thick 10g silver, patinated and tumbled to show its imperfect perfectness.
if you are looking for an alternative wedding band this can be made in a set - just send me a note.
the benefits and care of fine silver – fine silver contains 99.9% silver, this means it does not have any alloy metal to react with your skin…SO if you have allergies or sensitivities to metal, chances are your will LOVE fine silver and not have a reaction. fine silver also is very slow to tarnish, stays nice and bright and in general my favorite metal to work with.